MATTHEW 25:34-40 Ministries has been called to help The Church respond to the Commandments of Christ. We have actually realized our Calling in retrospect as we have reflected on how our Lord has used us. We were attracted to the Bible passage of Matthew 25:34-40 because it described what we were doing in our various ministries at our founding. Also, we have always recognized that every Christian is called to fulfill the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20,although in a variety of ways. Later on, after being deeply involved with Mission San Diego with Billy Graham, Promise Keepers, Mighty Men Fellowship,CityFest with Luis Palau, and Festival of Hope, Kiev, we realized we were responding to John 17:20-23. After ministering to homeless populations and veterans, we recognized we had been teaching them how to respond to 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. We realize that God’s calling on our Ministries is not limited to these passages, but to the larger charge for each of us to walk in His Spirit faithfully.
Our Ministries and partners work together in confidence when we walk in the Spirit.
We reach out to the un-churched in unorthodox ways and introduce them to know Christ personally. We help people find healthy congregations in their community.
We serve needs in our communities, showing the love of Christ in practical ways.
We seek to bring communities into unity with Christ at the center.
We seek to involve the entire Body of Christ as we serve those in need. If nobody joins with us, we will still accomplish what The Spirit directs us to do.
We do all this by living and leading in thanksgiving, prayer, and joyful worship.